The talent you will see is unbelievable if you teach yourself to read and write more but also teach teach others.  We find out so much about the universe we never thought possible when we read about experiences and/or the universe itself.

I’ve been writing since I was a child. I remember writing a 6-page paper (lined paper) in third grade about ghosts and haunted houses and my friends and the scary lady. I’m not much of a grammar person; I seem to do well in photography and literature naturally.

Other subjects I learn and still have a hard time grasping.  I was in lower math in high school, but both my parents are accountants.  I can’t hear as well in my left ear, and it’s just now, I’m seeing the parallels between having surgery as a child and the formation of the left side of my brain.

When I was six months old, I had a rare ailment. It’s called ectopic neural tissue, and it’s an excess or part of brain tissue that grows somewhere other than your head. It’s a congenital disability that I was fortunate to get fixed.  My parents noticed a small lump that was appearing on my neck’s left side was not getting smaller but growing.  It was proliferating, and causing me to lose weight, and I struggled to breathe.  Eventually, sooner rather than later, the growing ectopic neural tissue would completely cover my throat, and I would have suffocated to death. 

The lump was growing, daily, weekly, and monthly and eventually, I couldn’t breathe.  My parents had taken me to  many doctors, and none could help until the day I should have suffocated- I was saved by a scientific man with a creative mind.  I was saved by a genius brain because this particular doctor used skills I don’t see in Veterinary Medicine often, creativity, and common sense  to come up with the idea to invent a tool small enough to fit in my neck.  He envisioned this tool in his mind, thus, making it real.

 If you can dream it, you can believe it.

At six months, the lump had become and emergency as it grew too  close to everything on my heads left hemisphere near my eyes, ears, and nose, without the doctor who invented this microscopic sized surgical instrument, I would have slowly died infront of my family by suffocation.  This is because in 1990 there were no instruments small enough to save me.  Inventing a tiny tool that was small enough to extract the tissue in surgery from my tiny neck was him “just doing” he didn’t think, he didn’t wonder, he just tried to find the answer to a question, while the other doctors didn’t bother to try and fix anything.  The problem in society is once we get a degree we become all-assuming.  Doctors tend to think they know all there is to know since they graduated.  Science is endlessly learning.  There is no way to know everything, and humans barely know enough about science as it stands alone.  Learning is life long and this particular doctor use creativity and quick thinking.   He is the  why I’m here today.  This story is why you should consider reading.    

Other doctors had said nothing was wrong or they don’t know the diagnosis. This doctor created the diagnosis and the cure. Just because the doctors didn’t know what was wrong with me didn’t mean nothing was wrong. It’s the inability to be vulnerable and the craving to follow, not lead, and caring too much what people think of you and your reputation that blind you from actually thinking about the fact that peoples lives are in your hands.  I see it everywhere, in every human being, but not learning?  Well that’s just stupid.  No pun intended.  To read is to learn to learn is to write to write is to share to share is to save the world. The doctor who created the tool on my neck is a genius. He may have been the worst student, the crazy kid, perhaps suffers from drug and alcohol problems, who knows. A genius is simply someone that invents a mad idea. They try and try and try until something works.  A genius researches and asks why to absolutely everything.  They’re curious by nature, and find solutions to worldwide problems because they cant rest until something fits in their heads and they figure incredible things out. They love one thing for sure. Asking the question, how come? To everything and everyone. It understands the combination of the present and the things you’ve learned in the past that allow you to create or envision something.

I don’t know what it’s like not to be able to write or dream, but I do know what it’s like not to be able to count ounderstand numbers.  I think having Alexa, or Siri, or any assistant is very helpful.  You have google at the tip of your fingers.   Nothing should be an argument.

I know genius,’ “potentials” but they aren’t truly genius’ because they aren’t industrious. You have to have a mad imagination to figure out something like the idea of gravity. Good job, Newton.

You are not going to be good at every skill you try, and that is  okay! Does it suck that I can’t sing? Really, not at all. Now I know, and I do it for fun anyway. There’s a difference between trying to achieve the impossible and daydreaming. I know me, I know my capabilities, I can’t be everything I want to be. Sadly, I am very good at a few things, and I spread myself thin and spattered all over the place, and I feel this sort of every day is a different project day.

My WordPress blog doesn’t have a niche. My writing is multi versed. It’s impossible to choose just one thing for me to discuss. Trying to cover the topics I care about and I know about.  Being a scientist, and a creative writer?  Well, I just pictured myself doing it.  So it’s going to happen.

I’m a non actively working Veterinary Nurse, cat and dog behavior expert, Veterinary Medicine educated, Photographer, Writer, Reader, and Graphic Designer.

I run 17 different Facebook pages. Seventeen. One has over 1k, and the others are touch and go. I have too much to do, and this is anxiety at it’s finest.  I don’t even remember making a lot of them, that’s how many ideas flow through my brain.

What I’ve noticed is that everyone being home (pandemic couch lock) is the opposite of me, and I’m unemployed. They do their work either in the office or at home then watch depressing shit until it’s time for bed.


Again, it can read, it can write, and it can listen.  You have to treat your brain with care, and I promise investigative discoveries murder shows bring absolutely no value to your life. 

Stop living to survive and live because you’re here! That’s scarce chances that you, specifically DNA wise, exist here on planet earth.

What if you are not miserable?  I mean you feel miserable, maybe, but that’s this moment.  What if you could just do what you wanted?

One year ago, today, I went through a tragedy where I had to surrender one of my dogs. Anyone that knows me knows that that could damn near kill me. It does still. It was also something that got me to quit drinking, go to therapy (online therapy bots), and live for the sake of living, not just for surviving. Like everything I’ve ever owned, I lost all my belongings, but nothing could hurt me more than losing my puppy. I raised my dog as a puppy, and the thought of her in a shelter destroyed me. Though the circumstances were unchangeable even to a Veterinary Professionals degree, it’s a wake-up call to some other actions that lead to the event of losing my pet. I had to think about what I was doing in my life that made my life horrible. I sat down with a notebook and wrote about my past couple of years. Reading back to myself, it seemed like I wasn’t reading my own words. I reread it the next day, and it was also like someone telling my story- I even used a word I don’t understand but in the correct way. Then it dawned on me. My subconscious mind can only read and write and listen.

What messages did I need to tell myself?  What messages HAVE I been missing?

 This past year, quitting alcohol and avoiding patterns has been the most significant year of my life. I don’t take any day for granted anymore. I stay ahead of the trends. Talk to me in person, I can’t explain how to use a mousepad, but my subconscious mind could write you a technical essay. It’s time to put your conscious mind to sleep for a bit. Ever get gut feelings or intuitions? That’s your subconscious. If your conscious mind is blocking you, then you need to trick yourself into learning something. It would be best if you were a teacher and a student. Anything can be fun. Have you ever cleaned and blasted feel-good pop music? Youl be dancing all over the place.  

We do not have enough writers in the world. Truly. We are missing things in society, especially in technological advances and IBM, because we’re all distracted by the ad our phones gave us. Is your life shitty? Then fix it. That’s my only answer, and it’s probably right. Look outside of the news.  Actually, fuck the news.  Don’t even watch that garbage.  Do something mentally feel good.  Watch Rick and Morty.

I can’t expect everyone to be as refreshing as me as again, I am an animated human being, I’ve always had too much energy, but I find people and strangers so interesting. It does confuse me why we naturally seem not to listen or do anything we know we should. How we don’t trust our neighbors, but we trust big corporations.  I love my iphone but I know that Steve Jobs wasn’t a good guy.  He was just a genius’.

If you read a little each day, you will, by pattern, learn it as a habit after 23 days and by 90 days have it engraved into you. Read ONE page of a book every day. Just one. 23 days straight. Then if you hate it, give up. I think youll love eventually reading  books. Reading is how we learn, and learning is fun when you’re a big kid like me. I’m bored of Donald Trump and all that junk- Dear ABC7 LAMEO’S tell me more about the artificial intelligent machine that is expected to understand the language of Dolphins and their secrets.  Now that, is some cool ass news.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew.   Like my dad always said: “Inch by inch life is a cinch, yard by yard life is hard.” No one wants to read. Reading was a taught skill, and books are personal because you need to read ones that cater to you, that fit your timeline of life. Being forced to read has created a society of anti-readers, which breeds nothing. We need more writers, and EVERYONE can write.

No one wants to do things unless they want to do it for  themselves.  Learning, do you want to learn?  If you tell me to do something, it’s a chore; if you dust and make it look neat, I’m going to want to try it. It would help if you liked the things you desire. Because if you don even take steps to get there, it won’t happen.

There is never going to be a time where everything you dream comes true because you sat around and didn’t even bother to do anything about your circulating thoughts. You have to just literally start. 5,4,3,2,1…

Whether you want my suggestions, or the random fortune cookie- pick a random prompt in a word of wisdom book, do not change it, it has to be written without you knowing how to write it.  I want you to meet your subconscious mind.  You wont meet your subconscious mind until you let it speak for itself.  What are you doing the next 12 minutes?

I started the 12-minute creative writing prompt with my boyfriend. He’s an excellent writer; from listening to him, I could tell. He never could jumpstart until he did. We were doing activities (love coloring), and I told him to write about a creative topic for ten minutes, and he could stop. He wrote for 12 minutes, and 12 more.

I’m proud to help anyone who needs a prompt and a coach as I’ll be adding the stories to my page if whoever is writing consents in honor of learning to write by just starting. I just demonstrated how to do it. I may even publish this without rereading or running it through Grammarly. [update 9:15 pm ran through Grammarly. Over 103 suggestions! Lucky I’m a writer, not a proofreader.]

 Make your next moment a different moment, because all we are is this moment

Comment, and I will give you a prompt; we can do this.

and here I present, the first, of what I hope is many, 12 minute creative challenge submission.

Title: Be prepared to lose once in a while

Written by anonymously submitting

December 18th, 2020

Shit, I’ve been losing for a long time. It’s almost as if the day I officially graduated college; I gave up. I didn’t care about finding a new job or moving out of my parent’s house. I would give up on every idea I had.

It didn’t help that I wasn’t getting laid ever.

Then again, I barely tried.

I’ve lost at most things in life. Positions, sports, competitions, school, friendships, deals, relationships…holy shit, it’s four in the morning.

For the first time in a while, I’m not losing. I wish I could be more creative with this.

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